Talking Story

Getting Off the Crazy Train

by Lehua Parker

September 5, 2015

crazy train

I’ve been slacking on the blog, I know. Big life changing events have been going on and that’s caused me to really think about where I want to go on this journey, who I want hiking next to me, and the mountains I want to climb versus the quicksand I’m bypassing. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Without health, you’ve got nothing. My mother’s recent brain surgery, my cardiac event, and my daughter’s bout with mono have made that crystal clear.
  • I’m focusing more on writing and publishing new works. I’m taking charge of my author career again. No more listening to well-meaning, but inexperienced “experts” simply because they intern for one of my publishers. And I don’t care what your title is, if you’re not paid for your work, you’re an intern.
  • I’m going back to business and training consulting to earn real money to put behind my author business. It’s easier to take writing seriously when I’m using my skills in other arenas to make a positive contribution to the family coffers instead of spend, spend, spending on everything from books to give away at libraries, schools, and bookstores, on posters and signage, or gas and meals at events. Remember, I’ll feel better. My family is awesomely supportive of anything I choose to do—as long as it doesn’t involve cooking with mushrooms.
  • I’m launching a new SAAS business that has the potential to revolutionize how conferences and symposiums find speakers. More on that in another post.
  • I’m leveraging the works I’ve published and releasing them as audio books.
  • I’m working with a small group of trusted published authors, a tribe of people who understand how to play well with others and how to get things done. Lots of very cool things in the works. More on all those things in another blog post.
  • No more throwing pearls before swine. Most people do not value or appreciate “free.” The Takers of this world simply expect others to give, give, give, and get annoyed when you set boundaries. I find it hilarious that big corporations pay for my expertise, but Joe Wannabee author still insists that his 320,000 word novel is already perfect. He knows it’s fantastic, you see, because his mother told him it was the greatest thing she ever read, so don’t bother him with developmental or even copy editing notes. When he asked me to beta-read it for free, it was just so I could tell the world how awesome he is. There are mind-numbing masses of Joes out there.
  • I’m cutting ties with people too important in their own minds. Massive egos are exhausting. They’re emotional vampires who suck all the life and fun out of everything. We need more fun and joy in life. Kicking all the dementors to the curb and stocking up on chocolate and Diet Coke.
  • I’m pushing myself waaaay out of my comfort zone and reconnecting with my Hawaiian roots. Next week I start Hawaiian language lessons. The better I speak Hawaiian, the closer I can get to understanding the real histories and cultural identities of a particular branch on my family tree. Right now everything I’ve learned has been through someone’s English filter. Time to cut out the middle man.
  • I can write commercial works, and I will. But I think my real purpose is to write works that speak to a smaller audience, an audience that seldom has a voice in popular culture. I’m going to spend more time figuring out how to let those voices be heard.

That’s it. Thanks for sloughing through the mires with me. We’re on bedrock now and heading up the trail.


  1. Diana

    Way to go, Auntie! I’m glad to hear that you’re not giving up on writing authentic Hawaiian and local fiction. As a long time fan (and someone who just won’t stop stalking your blog waiting for updates), I can sympathize with health issues. I have recently been diagnosed with a high resting heart rate for reasons unknown except for extreme stress. I’ve always been active, high-energy, and ready for a new challenge. Until recently. I’ve been so tired, dizzy, and if I am too active I feel like I am going to pass out. A trip to the cardiologist told me that my resting heart rate is waaaaaaay too high. My heart is working to hard and that is why cardio nearly makes me pass out. I’ve gained weight and had to deal with not being able to be as active as I like. You said it best: if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

    Life’s short. Cut out those who make you miserable and cling to those that encourage and support. In the mean time, I’m looking forward to Zader’s next adventure and more adventures in Hawaii.

    • Lehua Parker

      Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I hear you. My resting heart rate is too high, too, and that makes everything far harder than it should be. Take care of yourself. More stories coming soon!

  2. K Kukawa

    I can’t wait to hear more of your Hawaiian voice! It is the voice of my Father, a beautiful lilt seldom heard on the mainland. Reading Zader’s story is a delight. Mahalo Nui.

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