Talking Story

Dad’s Beach Lessons
Dad’s beach lessons always boiled down to suck it up and get back in the water. Pretty much his advice no matter what.
Akela in the Park
Akela in the Park is a seven minute, one act play that I wrote for The Honolulu Theatre for Youth for their Children's Literature Hawai'i showcase in 2021. It was recorded and webcast on June 4, 2021. It's now available for free in ebook form. Akela began as an...
New Publications!
New and upcoming releases from Lehua Parker.
Book Review: The Islands at the End of the World by Austin Aslan
YA Hawaiian Cosmic Horror! At last! Austin Aslan’s The Islands at the End of the World and The Girl at the Center of the World are rip roaring, seat-of-your-pants thrilling Hawaiian YA cosmic horror / apocalypse novels. Set in modern day Hawai‘i, this duology explores...
Publishing Journey: Va: Stories by Women of the Moana
I was in the middle of trying to organize some of my short stories for another project when I spotted Lani Young’s Instagram post. She was sending out a call for original short stories written by Pacific Island women for Va: Stories by Women of the Moana. The cover...
Utah Library Advocates’ Press Conference
On December 14, 2021, I participated in the Utah Library Advocates Press Conference as a representative of PIK2AR and PEAU Lit. The conference was called in response to the nation-wide organized efforts to censor books in school libraries, often without books going...
Introducing Tatou Publishing
I’ve often thought that rather than wait patiently in the shadows for someone at the publishing table to notice and make room, it’s better to build your own table. Tatou Publishing has not only built a table, they’ve prepared a feast. Traditional publishers in the USA...
#RealRep: Just Dare
"How did you dare?" After talking with students at Kealakehe Intermediate over the internet for a bit, I read chapter one from ONE BOY, NO WATER, and looked up. Most of the kids seemed stunned. "I've never heard anyone read a story that had Pidgin in it before," one...
#RealRep : Keeping the Focus on Authentic Representation
It was maybe eight years ago that I noticed a lot more awareness, more buzz, about the startling lack of diversity in middle grade and young adult literature. In the USA, it started with recognizing we were a multicultural nation that woefully underrepresented the...
Post-Pandemic Flowers
Last year, at the start of the pandemic, we took an unused corner of our property and built a huge garden--14 raised beds, each 30' long and either 18" or 3' wide, with a drip irrigation system, climbing trellises, weed barriers, and gavel between the beds....
Blast from the Past: Pidgin English Children’s Stories
I'm working on an introduction to short story I wrote that's going to be in an anthology of retold fairy and other traditional tales published by University of Hawaii. My into is waaaaaay overdue. I'm working on the fourth completely new version--I didn't like my...
Pacific Islander Books: MIDDLE GRADE
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States (AAPI Month). Through out May, I'm going to be posting about books written by Pacific Islanders that celebrate island culture front and center. Up first: MIDDLE GRADE There's a wide range...
Things You’ve Forgotten Until You Step Off the Plane
The caress of humidity and the weight of bushy, bushy hair. The way the elderly security guard’s curt aloha changes when you catch his eye and say, “Oh, ovah dere? Eh, mahalo, Uncle. I get ‘em now.” How his smile now reaches his eyes. Breathing after saltwater goes up...
Lauele Short: Jon’s Slippah
Ten year-old Jon Nainoa walked along the edge of the sea, his slippahs flip, flip, flipping sand up the backs of his legs and sticking to the ‘okole of his swim trunks. Jon didn’t care. The sun was shining. His belly was full, stuffed with a bamboocha spam musubi...
Coming to Oahu
Aloha, Gang! I'm heading home to Oahu for an extended stay, April through May 2021. While I'm planning on research, writing, and relaxing, I'd love to talk story with students, writing groups, bookstores, libraries, or community organizations. Contact me at...
College Daughter: Mom! My anthropology professor wants to know the provenance of our poi pounder. What's the story? Me: (takes deep breath) Circa 2003, Waimea, Big Island, local craft fair. Composed of ceramic red clay with fake stone flocking. CD: WHAT? Me: It's not...
Keeping Mom Happy
When the college kids first moved back home, device chargers and cables started disappearing. I stomped around the house, ticked that I suddenly couldn't plug in my phone or tablet while on the couch or in the kitchen or at any place I was used to. There was much...
Empty Closets and New Beginnings
For a while now, my style has been best described as tropical middle-aged frump with a side of at-least-I'm-not-naked--a.k.a. old fut titah-rella with shoes. But there was a time when I wore smart business attire, cocktail dresses, and even formal wear. I've kept all...
Dog Beds & Fireplaces
College Daughter comes home for the weekend and discovers a massive new dog pillow in front of the fireplace. CD: I knew it! We're getting a new dog! Big, right? Like a Great Dane! Me: No. No new dogs. CD: But... Me: CD: Me: CD: Mom! Me: CD: You got...
Am Writing: It’s Research!
I've spent too much time today watching Bollywood dance sequences for a sangeet ceremony that's a two second scene in my Hawaiians (and Hindus) in space story. It's probably a good thing YouTube wasn't around when my friends were popping and locking in high school....